I notice that when playing the piece, I am between two levels. What does that mean?
The levels are numbered from 1 to 5. The Fantasia is divided in five sections that correspond to these levels. Your level matches the last complete section you were able to play smoothly and at the correct speed.
eg. If, after practising, you can play smoothly up to a certain point in section 4, but you don’t get to the end of section 4, then you’re a level 3 player.
The last few years I have been in level 5 but using the piece I now find I am at level 4. Which should I say I am?
If you can’t play the whole of section 5 but you can play all of section 4 at the right speed, then you are level 4. Don’t worry about this as many people may find themselves at a lower level than in previous years.
I don’t play bass recorder, but otherwise I fit perfectly into level 3. What should I do?
The requirement to play bass has a musical and social reason: it helps us ensure a better distribution of parts during sessions. Small recorders usually play the upper lines in an ensemble and don’t require as many players per part. We would like every level 3 player to be able to offer to play the bass part in an ensemble, so it is essential that they can bring and play a bass recorder. This way no one hogs the upper lines, guaranteeing variety for everyone. We hope that if you don’t already play bass, perhaps this can be a positive motivation for you to learn to do so. In fact, this year we have a beginner bass class on offer at RSS.
I can play bass and read bass clef, but I don’t have a bass recorder. How do I solve that?
If this is the case, let us know and we will try to arrange for you to borrow an instrument during the course.
I play smoothly through the Fantasia but play some passages a little slower. What does this mean?
We have thought very carefully about the tempo, because they are essential in determining your level. If you don’t reach the indicated tempo after practising, then the corresponding level is too high for you.
If you have any further questions then please email our administrator, Josee, on admin@recordersummerschool.org.uk